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What do Greeks think of the song of Çelo Mezanit?
Greeks don’t know the song. Most Greeks barely know about Chameria. And nationalist Greeks who know how the song has become a rallying point for Çam identity may well react with hostility. God knows I read a couple of shitfights on YouTube.
But given the translation and someone who’s not nationalist (e.g. Dimitris Almyrantis: Dimitris Almyrantis’ answer to What do Greeks think of the song of Çelo Mezanit?), you’ll get the recognition of something culturally familiar.
To answer the question, I’m going to YouTube, ignoring the typical “Fuck you Greek pederast” “Fuck you Albanian cur” stuff, and translate the comments made in Greek to a different recording:
- Epirot and Albanian, it’s almost the one music.
- We cry and celebrate with the same songs. Whatever they may say, our blood is so mixed together, whether we like it or not.
- Finally a YouTube user with serious and truthful attitudes! Good health to you and your family, sir! Good luck!
- [I didn’t translate Prentas Dimtris’ comments, because I actually didn’t understand them; Greek as Foreign Language, I surmise]
I’m not trying to whitewash anything by quoting those. Just point out that if Greeks aren’t given the political context that the song has acquired, and just listen and read the lyrics, they’ll actually like it.
I did too, although I think I’ve heard ballads that got to the point more directly.
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