
Month: June 2019

Updated post on “Why do English-speaking people not prefer to say natrium, silisium, kalium, and use other Latin names of elements instead?”

By: | Post date: 2019-06-22 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Linguistics, Modern Greek

I have had an updated version of my old Quora posts Why do English-speaking people not prefer to say natrium, silisium, kalium, and use other Latin names of elements instead? and Where do the distinctive Greek names for chemical elements come from? published in Greek on Nikos Sarantakos’ blog, as Τα ελληνόψυχα χημικά στοιχεία, “Greek-souled […]

Updated post on “How are Rumi’s poems in Greek?”

By: | Post date: 2019-06-08 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Linguistics, Literature, Mediaeval Greek

I have had an updated version of my old Quora post How are Rumi’s poems in Greek? published in Greek on Nikos Sarantakos’ blog, as Τα ελληνικά ποιήματα του Τζελαλεντίν Ρουμί, “The Greek poems of Jalal ad-Din Rumi”.

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