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What are the unusual punctuation marks in your language?
Survey question, and I’m looking forward to someone bringing up the Amharic sarcasm mark.
Greek punctuation functionally corresponds to English punctuation—mostly.
- Upper dot <·> corresponds to semicolon.
- In Ancient Greek typography, the upper dot is usually also used in the function of the English colon. Modern Greek typography uses the colon.
- Ancient punctuation had a middle dot as well as an upper dot, for different length pauses. Modern typography does not differentiate a middle dot from the upper dot.
- The Greek interrogative is identical to the Latin semicolon <;>.
- Quotation marks in Modern Greek typography have traditionally been the French guillemets <« »>. Through English influence, you will now see more English double quotes.
- Like French, Greek uses the quotation dash <―>.
- There is a native counterpart to the ampersand, the kai ligature <ϗ>, but it is no longer in wide use.
- Abbreviations are occasionally marked with double prime <″>, although that is quite old fashioned. The only instance anyone living is likely to have seen is Χ″ as an abbreviation of the surname prefix Χατζη- “Hatzi-”; e.g. Χ″μάρκου “Hatzimarkou”. Much more common now is the solidus </>; e.g. παν/μειο = πανεπιστήμειο “university”, Κων/πολη = Κωνσταντινούπολη “Constantinople”.
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