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Day: January 12, 2016
Who coined the term ‘polity’?
the definition of polity 1530-40; < Latin polītīa < Greek polīteía citizenship, government, form of government, commonwealth, equivalent to polī́te-, variant stem of polī́tēs citizen Online Etymology Dictionary 1530s, from Middle French politie (early 15c.) or directly from Late Latin polita “organized government” (see policy (n.1)). Policy and Police ultimately derive from the same Greek […]
What is the answer to a multiplication problem called? Who coined the term?
Product (mathematics) . The Greek for it is the participle γενόμενον, “what has become, what has come into existence”, which I would assume was calqued into Latin as “what is produced”. The LSJ dictionary lists the participle “what has become” for product as being used in Euclid ; but the verb “becomes” for “adds up […]