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In what situations would you use an article in English where you wouldn’t in Modern Greek? And vice-versa?
Rather than make up an answer, I googled and am posting from the first blog I found:
Πότε δεν χρησιμοποιούμε το οριστικό άρθρο the
- Proper names in Modern Greek always take a definite article. It’s quite rare in English: rivers, families, plural countries.
- Nouns with generic reference take a definite article in Modern Greek and not in English: Gentlemen prefer blondes in Greek is Οι άντρες προτιμούν τις ξανθιές.
As for the indefinite article, it’s mandatory in English where it applies; it’s often optional in Greek. So I saw a car = είδα (ένα) αυτοκίνητο.
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