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Why does Greece not try to retake Anatolia and Constantinople?
See also the related questions:
- Should Thrace and Constantinople be given back to Greece?
- Is there any chance of Constantinople reuniting with Greece any time in the near future?
- Is there any chance of Anatolia reuniting with Greece any time in the near future?
Never mind it being an unwise military venture. Never mind NATO. Never mind that Greece needs that like it needs a hole in the head.
Retake what? Anatolia was ethnically cleansed a century ago, and so was Greece. The Muslim Greek-speakers left in the Of valley are there because they’re Muslims, and they’ve made a point of being good Islamic scholars: they don’t want to be reunited with anyone. There’s something like 3000 Rumlar left in Turkey: Greeks in Turkey.
There’s nothing to retake but graves. Germany had a better claim on Kaliningrad, and they passed.
Like I said elsewhere (Nick Nicholas’ answer to Do modern Greek people feel that Istanbul/Constantinople belongs to them?). Constantinople will still be ours. Istanbul will not, once more, be ours.
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