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Day: April 20, 2017
Why do I have to place an emphasis mark on some vowel in every Greek word on writing, even if the meaning might not even change if you just leave it?
Well there’s the simple reason, and there’s the historical justification for it. The simple reason is: BECAUSE THOSE ARE THE RULES. 🙂 And if it were up to me, you’re not putting enough accents on Greek words. The blanket rule that all monosyllabic words are unstressed, whether they are function words or content words, does […]
Why did you think the Greek population disappeared so completely from Anatolia after the Ottoman conquest?
To clarify what this question is likely talking about: We know that there was a continuous Greek presence in Thrace up to Constantinople, the Pontus (Black Sea), and Cappadocia, after the arrival of the Ottomans. We know that there was a substantial Greek population in Western Asia Minor in the 19th century, which is linguistically […]
What does the suffix “ostomy” mean?
stoma is Greek for mouth. –stomia is stoma plus an abstract noun ending: “-mouth-ation”. In medicine, a Stoma (medicine) is also a surgically made opening. So a colostomy is a surgical intervention creating an opening (a stoma, a “mouth”) in the colon: kōlo-stom-ia > colostomy, “colon-mouth-ation”. The Wikipedia article gives 16 other stoma operations. The […]