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The Magister tripped me up this morning with the very first sentence I saw from him.
Andrew Weill and others have bewrayed the remarkable difficulty of your undertaking.
Bewrayed? Bewrayed? Obviously no typo for betrayed. Well, not that obvious: the Magister is at times a bit of a butterfingers. But certainly worth checking out.
verb (used with object), Archaic.
Archaic. No shit.
- to reveal or expose.
- to betray.
So I guessed right. And it would seem quite possible that the current verb betray has coloured the modern interpretation of the archaic verb bewray. What is the etymology, anyway?
1250-1300; Middle English bewraien, equivalent to be- be- + wraien, Old English wrēgan to accuse, cognate with Old High German ruogen (German rügen), Gothic wrohjan
Right. So something that accuses you, gives you away, if you will. Which is pretty close to “betraying” you, and looks like that meaning has merged into it.
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