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Recent Quora translations on Sarantakos’ blog
I have had updated versions of old Quora posts published in Greek on Nikos Sarantakos’ blog
- In English, why does the letter “υ” from Greek loanwords appear in some words as letter “Y,” but as “U” in other words?, as Γλευκόζη, αυτή η άγνωστη “Gleucose, the unknown”
- Why are the Latin and Greek alphabets the only ones with capital/minuscule letters?, as Γιατί μόνο το ελληνικό και το λατινικό αλφάβητο έχουν πεζά και κεφαλαία γράμματα;
- How would modern Greek language sound to an Ancient Greek?, as Πώς θα ακούγονταν τα νεοελληνικά σε αρχαίο Έλληνα;
- Why is the ancient Greek tonal pronunciation theory so refuted by Modern Greek speakers?, as Γιατί οι Νεοέλληνες αρνούνται τόσο επίμονα τη θεωρία της αρχαιοελληνικής τονικής προφοράς;
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