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Tag: Byzantine Greek
Nastratios in Pagdatia
A thread last month at the Magnificent Nikos Sarantakos’ Blog, about insulting commentary on a candidate MP from the Muslim minority, got derailed in comments (the way good comment threads do) into a discussion of whether there was any point teaching Ancient Greek in high school in Greece. The reason why Ancient Greek is taught […]
Lascaris Cananus: Updated
Well, I now have both the Lundström and the Blomqvist editions of Lascaris Cananus next to me, so I can update my preceding post on him. Thanks to your intrepid correspondent, the 1902 edition, Lundström, Vilhelm (ed.) 1902. Laskaris Kananos. Reseanteckningar från de nordiska länderna. Upsala; Leipzig: Lundequist (Smärre Byzantinska skrifter; 1)—is now online at […]
Islántē: Island Of The Fish-Eaters
[EDIT: This post has been updated] The quiz I set last post gave me an excuse to Google Σαμῶται, and in the process to find that Lascaris Cananus is online—after a fashion. So this post is about him. Lascaris Cananus wrote a page about his visit to Lithuania, Sweden, Denmark, and Iceland in the 15th […]
What’s Londínon in the language of the Inglínes?
I’ve been working on lemmatising the TLG for, oh, over six years. And lemmatising the TLG includes lemmatising its proper names. The TLG is, in quantity, a mostly Byzantine corpus, even though the point of the TLG was ancient literature: the Byzantine corpus is what survived most. And in the absence of a Byzantine gazetteer […]
Old Man Hare: Etymology
I didn’t get to hit the books on Old Man Hare, but I’ve had enough feedback from readers and blegs that I can tell somewhat more of a story than last time. Let’s start with what we know.Byzantine: We know of four mediaeval instances of the word. In Suda, 10th century, λαγώγηρως is used to […]
Old Man Hare
[EDIT: followup post] As I already mentioned in the past, the occasional Early Modern Greek word ends up in LSJ, because it has been used in a scholion to explain an Ancient word, and LSJ figured they’ll take all the help they can get. Such a word is λαγόγηρως. Literally, it’s “Old Man Hare”. Actually, […]
Lerna VIIa: Classical and Late vocabulary
Here, I’ll try making some sense of how the vocabularies of Greek have shifted between the corpora. This is where we got to. Lemmata Excluding Proper Names TLG + PHI #7 (viii-XVI, +tech +christ +inscr/pap) 214,381 172,646 TLG (viii–XVI, +tech +christ -inscr/pap) 201,823 162,009 LSJ Corpus (viii-VI, +tech -christ +inscr/pap) 159,636 124,215 Mostly Pagan (viii–IV, […]
Lerna VId: A correction of lemma counts
Last post had its share of egg on my face, showing systematic overcounts of word forms in the corpora. This post is another healthy serving of omelette, correcting the lemma counts given in Lerna VIa. The overall story is: There are less distinct word forms in the PHI #7 corpus than I thought There are […]
Lerna VIc: A correction of word form counts
This post fixes counts given in Lerna Va and Lerna Vb, with corrected counts from the PHI #7 disc—and a couple of weeks’ work on the archaic dialects and proper names of the PHI #7 corpus. I’ve also fixed several errors in how I was counting forms as unique. The end result is that the […]
Lerna VIb: A derailing of lemma counts
You may have noticed an extended radio silence for the last couple of weeks in the series counting lemmata. The people at the Magnificent Nikos Sarantakos’ blog, where the good fight against Lerna is fought, know why: I found some problems in the way I was counting lemmata in the inscriptions and papyrus corpus (PHI […]