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Category: Uncategorized
Updated post on the etymology of βύσσινο “sour cherry”
I have expanded my old Quora post and just had it published in Greek on Nikos Sarantakos’ blog: Yes, this does mean I’m coming back. Eventually.
Kaliarda XXXI: Basic vocabulary
Next, I’m posting the function words of Kaliarda, and other classes of words that indicate how the language works: Function words: altros other < Italian altro axatos this (Rom. kathe “here”; Greek a- “un-” + kate “that”?) emandes I, me, my (Rom. mande “me”); mandula (diminutive) esandes, suandes you, your (Rom. mande “me” + Greek […]
Kaliarda IV: Petropoulos’ addenda on Kaliarda
It turns out that the edition available online of Petropoulos’ Kaliarda is his second edition—which is just his first edition with an addendum. So I’m going to supplement the information I gave from his first edition. I’m again going to limit myself to what he says about Kaliarda and his speakers, and how he engaged […]