What is a Hebrew word and a Greek word meaning “fragrance” or “perfume” GENERALLY?

By: | Post date: 2016-06-07 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Linguistics, Mediaeval Greek, Other Languages

I assume you are asking about Ancient Greek. IGNORE all the Greeks that are about to say ἄρωμα arōma. The ancient meaning of that word, per the Liddell–Scott dictionary, is aromatic herb or spice; not fragrance.

Going through Liddell–Scott, I find, in descending order of fit to what you want:

  • εὐοσμία euosmia, “fragrance, perfume”. Literally, ‘good smell’.
  • μύρον myron, “sweet oil, unguent, perfume”
  • ἀυτμή aytmē, “breath; scent, fragrance” (Homeric)

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