
Day: June 8, 2017

Why did the Byzantines call Western Europeans beef-eaters?

By: | Post date: 2017-06-08 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Literature, Mediaeval Greek

Because Byzantines did not eat beef as often as Western Europeans did. See Karen Carr’s answer to What was the basic diet like in the Byzantine era (circa 530) under Emperor Justinian and Empress Theoradora? They occasionally ate lamb and mutton, chicken, and pork; rarely beef. Or the Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, s.v. meat: The […]

What is the origin of rhyming poetry? Is it strictly European-based?

By: | Post date: 2017-06-08 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Linguistics, Mediaeval Greek, Other Languages

In fact, though Rhyme – Wikipedia is very coy and tentative about stating it, there is good evidence that European rhyme originates in Arabic rhyme, via the Andalus; Arabic has used rhyme extensively since the sixth century. There is occasional rhyme in Classical Greek and Latin, but that is an effect, not a structuring principle. […]

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