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Kaliarda XXXIII: The Context of Kaliarda
A number of Kaliarda words contain allusions to contemporary or older history and literature; Kaliarda speakers were clearly well-read:
- aɣiosaviatiko
- crab (Agios Savvas’ cancer hospital; Greek karkinos “cancer” and Latin cancer both originally mean “crab”)
- vavelo
- someone knowing foreign languages < Babel
- varavotekno
- criminal: “Barabbas child”
- venizeloðosmeni
- Constantinople: “given away by Venizelos”
- ɣerako
- bracelet: from the folk song Gerakina, with the chorus “drung drung drung, her bracelets clang”; ftinoɣerakines “cheap bracelets” are handcuffs
- ɣi eliniki
- soldier: “Greek soil”
- juðas
- policeman, informant, spy: “Judas”. Hence juðu “Judas chick” = “police”, juðaðiko “Judas shop” = “Ministry of Public Order”; juðaro = “to betray”
- ɡodoafiona
- religion: “God opium” (Marx: “Religion is the opium of the people”)
- etruska
- Kaliarda: “Etruscan”
- zuzunosailok
- ant: “bug Shylock” (i.e. thrifty insect)
- ilioɣaza
- light: “sun gauze” (according to Petropoulos, from Varnalis‘ verse “O saffron-coloured gauze of dawn”)
- iraklopriko
- spices: “woman dowry” (spices used to be expensive enough to use as dowry)
- iexoviazo
- refuse to bear arms: “to Jehovah” (Jehovah’s Witnesses were the best known class of conscientious objectors)
- kazeini
- malicious gossip; tuberculosis: “casein” (strong glue: gossip and TB both stick to someone)
- keaðas
- brothel: “Kaiadas, the gorge where Spartans threw their disabled children”
- kaliostraro
- to enchant (18th century magician Cagliostro)
- kameliodona
- tuberculosis (allusion to Alexandre Dumas fils’ La Dame aux Camélias, whose protagonist died of TB)
- katelanos
- tough man: “Catalan”, from the persistent negative memories in Attica of the 14th century Catalan Company, which Petropoulos indicates had been revived in Athens as a gang name
- kukuvaɣia
- undercover policeman: “owl” (nighttime bird, and regarded as foreboding death); also Ancient Greek ɣlauks and derived ɣlaukos
- katsikes
- left-hand: “goatish”, and provates right-hand: “sheepish”: from Matthew 25:33 “And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.”
- kerveru
- trustworthy, trust: “Cerberus”. Hence kerveropuros “Cerberus old man” = “trustworthy” and kerverotekno “Cerberus twink” = “trustworthy young man”
- kuasimoda
- hunchback: “Quasimodo”
- lanaradzis
- worker: Lanaras factory, or lanari “carder”
- libro d oro
- police record: Libro D’Oro, the catalogue of Venetian nobility
- luivraxnos
- radio announcer: “Louis hoarse”, alluding to marathon runner Spyros Louis (so someone who talks as fast as Louis ran, and who is hoarse). The proverbial expression “become Louis” = “disappear by running fast” survives today.
- markomixelu
- madness: from Markomichelakis’ clinic in Neo Faliro
- bairaktarizo
- to punish (Bairaktaris, the notorious police chief of Athens)
- bairon
- polite, well-dressed, well-bred gay: Lord Byron; also filelinas “Philhellene”, which is how Byron is known in Greece
- bakoloneslonakis
- admiral: “ship Nelson guy”
- batistakis
- butler: Battista is a stereotypical Italian butler name
- biskototekno
- supporter of dictator Papadopoulos (from Papadopoulos biscuit factory)
- blakis buropombonaris
- Louis Armstrong: “black player of brass/wind instrument”
- boðoseika
- public toilet: from Bodosakis fertiliser company
- nemroði
- hunting: “Nimrod”
- davelakis
- criminal: robber Christos Davelis (died in 1856, remained renowned in folklore) (But davelo also means “to take” in Kaliarda.)
- doɣis
- deceased friend: “Doge”
- okioluis
- hare: “ears Louis”, alluding to marathon runner Spyros Louis (so someone who runs as fast as Louis, and has big ears). The proverbial expression “become Louis” = “disappear by running fast” survives today.
- oktaris
- member of parliament: “eight-er” (allusion to salary of 8000 drachmas a month)
- oriental
- luxurious, magnificent
- piuso
- bread, from epiousios “daily, supersubstantial” in the Lord’s Prayer (“Give us this day our daily bread”). Hence piusopuros “bread old-man = baker”, piusotrima “bread shavings = flour”, piusotsarðo “bread hut = bakery”
- posiðonitsa
- twenty drachma coin: “little Poseidon chick” (Poseidon being depicted on the twenty drachma coin between the World Wars)
- puki
- fairy: “Puck” (formerly rendered in Greek translations of A Midsummer Night’s Dream orthographically as Puk, now rendered phonetically as Pak)
- rampa tu mola
- Karagiozis, shadow puppetry: “Mollas’ Stage”, alluding to Karagiozis-puppeteer Antonis Mollas (1871–1949)
- renotsarðoruna
- gendarme: “queen hut cop”, since the palace was guarded by gendarmes
- rovespakis
- republican < Robespierre; hence rovespu “republic”
- rozorovespakis
- communist: “red republican, red Robespierre”
- sailokiazo
- to be a miser < Shylock; sailakumba “Shylock put-down [money]” = “money deposit”; sailokoboksas “Shylock bundle” = “jewelry box”; sailokopuro “Shylock old man” = “old miser”, sailokotsarðo “Shylock hut” = “Postal Savings Bank”; sailotezoriazo “to Shylock treasure = “to save up”
- siðeromol tu lui
- express train: “Louis steam engine”, alluding to marathon runner Spyros Louis (so a train which runs as fast as Louis ran).
- skrudzo
- miser: Scrooge
- solonakis
- prudent, wise: “little Solon”
- dzasrovespakis
- fascist: “away with republicans” (Robespierre)
- dzidzis, dzidzikis
- carefree, bohemian: “grasshopper”, from Aesop’s tale of the Ant and the Grasshopper
- fariso
- hypocrite: “pharisee”
- fula
- fat prostitute: proper name Foula; Petropoulos proposes as its referent the wife of Dimitris Athanasopoulos, who murdered him in 1931 in a notorious criminal case
- frosaropuri
- shrew, malicious woman: “Frossard old woman”, Frossard being the protagonist of Les Deux Orphelines (1875) by Adolphe d’Ennery
- xitleropulo
- goose: “Hitler bird” (alluding to goose-stepping, and punning on similarity to mainstream xina “goose”)
- xristomol
- vinegar: “Christ drink” (since Christ was given vinegar to drink on the cross)
- *nifokukula
- Turkish coffee: “bride hood” (allusion unknown, unless this is an allusion to the comical coinage nifokokozomon “sober bean juice” in the play Babel (1836), satirising in that instance pedantry)
- *dzas dzuzis
- Adolf Hitler: “away Jesus” = “Antichrist”
Some Kaliarda words involve derogatory attitudes towards other social groups. (Shared oppression has not traditionally led to notions of allyship—although the Roma do appear to have been exempted from venom, with the benign tsinganoromvia “Gypsy barrel organ = tambourine”:
- ketseðomura
- ugly old woman “felt face”
- koen-sapuni
- pogrom, persecution of Jews: “Cohen soap” (from the notion that Nazis made soap from Jewish corpses)
- lakirovizu
- TV anchorwoman: “speech boobs”
- marioneta
- paraplegic: “puppet”
- olio koen
- soap: “Cohen oil” (from the notion that Nazis made soap from Jewish corpses)
- teknoxavro
- crowd, jostling: “child synagogue” (mainstream Greek uses xavra “synagogue” < Hebrew chavurah to refer to jostling)
Geographic terms, referring to ethnicities or locations, are also often derogatory:
- aðerfoxori
- London: “sissy-ville” (from the reputation the UK had in the 1960s as a pioneer of gay rights)
- asprokoli
- Acropolis: “white-arsed” (soundalike)
- vlaxoxilari
- from Rumeli (Central Greece, mountainous): “hillbilly [Sir Edmund] Hillary”
- vrakokopeli
- Cretan: “breeches kid” (breeches are Cretan traditional dress; kopeli is Cretan for “lad, kid”)
- ɣermanoɡreka
- Syntagma Square, tourist haven: “German Greek”
- ɡrekoturkemenos
- Anatolian Greek: “Greek turned Turk”
- ɣrekokaθiko
- Athens: “Chamberpot of Greece” (Athens is in a geographic basin)
- zimarosolinas
- Italian: “dough tube guy” (i.e. pasta)
- turkual, ismir-turkual
- grotesque oriental jewelry: “(Izmir) turquoise”, with turquoise distorted to look even more like “Turkish”
- ismir-patsul
- heavy cheap perfume: “Izmir patchouli”
- kanulu
- Omonia Square: “Waterjet chick” (from the fountain there)
- karaɡunotsarða
- Thessaly: “Karagounides huts” (Karagounides were the farming population of Western Thessaly)
- karamarmaru
- Athens Stadium: “Marble (augmentative) chick”
- karamudzu
- [cis female] prostitute: “pussy (augmentative) chick”
- katsikaðeros
- from Rumeli (Central Greece); katsikaðero (neut): hillbilly, rustic < “goatish” (cf. Koutsavakika vlaxaðero “hillbilly” < vlaxos “Vlach; hillbilly”)
- kuelorosola
- Klafthmonos (“Lamenter”) Square: “tears”; the square was in fact named so for the protests of civil servants who were fired each elections—the square used to be the site of the Finance Ministry
- marmaro-aθlopatsia
- Athens Stadium: “marble athletics-square” = “marble stadium”
- misofesu
- Thrace: “half fez” (i.e. half-Turkish)
- blakobubulo
- black race: “black crowd”; xionobuluko white race: “white crowd”
- musandopalikaru
- Crete: “fake brave place” (from Cretan pride in their bravery)
- mudzotopos
- Paris: “Cunt-ville” (renowned for beautiful women, opposed to London)
- deska
- Germany < Italian tedesco “German”
- kseroskatu
- Epirus: “dry [your own] shit place” (proverbial attribute of misers, who would dry their own shit to eat as rusks later)
- pitsun siti
- Peristeri (“Dove”), suburb of Athens: Italian piccione “pigeon” + English city
- protopresvira
- Thessalonica: “First Elderwoman”, because the archbishop of Thessalonica is addressed as His All-Holiness, like the Patriarch of Constantinople is
- renoɣlastra
- Athens Royal Gardens: “Queen’s Flowerpot”
- romanas
- Roma, Gypsy; romano kilibe was a kind of belly dance done by gays in their tavernas
- simito
- Epirus: Bagelland (from proverbial notion that newborn boys in Epirus are slapped on the neck and told “may you be a bagel-seller in Constantinople”, άντε και στην Πόλη σιμιτζής)
- sfazofesas
- Armenian: “massacred by fezes (= Turks)”
- terogamila
- Central Greece: “land camel” (because it is mountainous)
- teromudza
- Peloponnese: “land moudza” (insulting gesture with spread palm)
- dzinavotopos
- London: “in-the-know (i.e. gay) place”
- dzordzis o kavalitos
- Lycabettus Hill: “George (English) the rider”, after the church of St George there and the rhyme of “rider” with Lycabettus.
- tiraxosevas
- Sevastakis shoe store: “Shoe Sevas(takis)”
- tiraxostoun
- Petridis shoe store: “Shoe Stone” (Petridis < Petros “Peter” is derived from petra “stone”)
- turistovraxos
- Hydra, Mykonos (often), Spetses (occasionally): “tourist rock”
- turistofaka
- The Acropolis: “tourist trap”
- turkokutrukelo
- Smyrna, Izmir: “Turk ?”
- faflatoθalasoskatas
- Cretan: “poltroon sea shit”
- felaxoblakoskinis
- black: “fellah black skin”
- fesas
- Turk: “fez wearer”; fesovakuli “Turkish church” = “mosque”
- fterokapakis
- Italian: “feather cap”, referring to the uniform of bersaglieri and other units in the Italian army
- xionu kustoðia
- white race: “(snow-)white guard”
- *adzemakis
- Persian < adzemis < Turkish acem
- *grandabota
- Italy: “big boot” (from the shape of the country)
Petropoulos said there were around forty words for gay (bottom) in Kaliarda; this is what I found:
- anemi
- mincing gay: “spinning wheel”
- anemomilos
- mincing gay: “windmill”
- vlaxodana
- provincial gay: “hillbilly whore”
- ɣiðoteknosintiriti
- provincial gay: “upkept by goat children”
- ðiapompu
- gay surrounded by young men: “publicly ridiculed”
- ðiskos
- switch: “LP record” (having two sides)
- epitafios
- gay surrounded by well-dressed young men: “Epitaphios” (funeral procession ritual on Good Friday, when churchgoers put on their best clothes and walk around the church)
- zuɡlolubina
- out gay: “jungle queer”
- kapa
- gay, from kappa, first letter of kori “maiden”
- karalubu, karalubo
- malicious gay: “queer (augmentative)”
- kek
- uninitiated young boy, courted by a top: “cake”
- kluva
- street quean: “police van”
- kotula
- young top who occasionally is a bottom: “young chicken”
- kof mesik
- notorious gay < kofa < kufala “hollow” (i.e. “slut”, of woman) + me sik “chic”
- krifi
- closeted gay: “hidden”
- krotalo
- street quean: “noise chick” (she is accompanied by outcry)
- laterna
- made-up gay: “barrel organ” (because barrel organs were heavily ornamented)
- leði
- bottom: “Lady” (as title of British nobility)
- lubina
- gay < Romani lubhni “whore”; variants: luba, lubesko, lubunia, lubo
- misoɣunu
- gay who has done hair removal: “half fur chick”
- modernotekno
- young gay: “modern (= anal sex) child”
- bairon
- polite, well-dressed, well-bred gay: Lord Byron; also filelinas “Philhellene”, which is how Byron is known in Greece
- bidzanu
- starving gay
- dovas
- hated and repulsive gay
- kseskismeni, kseskistra
- street quean: “ripped apart woman” (referring to sex)
- ksefonismeni
- poor gay: “shouted down”
- plen lubinia
- notorious gay: “full queer”
- sikia
- gay: “fig tree” (derogatory mainstream Greek term)
- siko
- underage gay: “fig” i.e. immature counterpart of sikia “fig tree” = “gay”
- tarafoluba, tarafolubesko
- out gay, clearly initiated gay: “guild queer”
- teknitsa
- young girl; young gay, twink: diminutive of tekno “child; twink”
- dzazkarabazu
- mincing gay: “unscrewed”
- ipsometru
- provincial gay: “altitude” (alluding to them being from the mountains)
- fiongos
- bottom presenting like a top: < dzidzifiongos “dandy”, lit. “pretty ribbon”; having sex with a bottom presenting like a top is called “binding a ribbon” (ðanteliazo, ðeno, avelo fionɡo)
- fransi
- gay: French français “French”?
- psoraðerfi
- poor gay: “louse sissy”
- *karabines
- outrageous gay: “queer (augmentative)”
- *lutrokabines
- gay owner of an apartment: “toilet and bath” (from wording of to-let notices)
- *neroxitis
- gay employee of straight brothel: “kitchen sink”
- *damdelari
- gay cruising the streets: French dame de la rue “lady of the streets”
- *ksekoliθra
- horny gay: “arse-out socket”
These are the remaining words to deal with sex and sexuality that I have gathered:
- atmokavlu
- steam bath, Turkish baths: “steam horny”
- afroðito, karafroðito
- prostitute < Aphrodite, afroðisios “venereal” (kara- “augmentative”)
- adzinavoto feɣi
- third gender (in the 60s, referred to the conflation of homosexuality and trans gender): “unknown leaf” (pun on feɣi < French feuille “leaf”, Greek φύλλο, used for its homonym φύλο “gender”)
- axarnoeleni
- old prostitute: “Helen of Acharnon St”
- vatikano
- gay brothel: “Vatican”
- vekogrekiotiki partuza
- switching in gay sex: “Ancient Greek gangbang”
- vromadroðo
- syphilis: “stinking venereal”
- ɣamias tis pinas
- pimp: “hunger fucker”
- ɡazoza, ɡaza
- enema: “lemonade”
- ɡazozu
- nurse, maid in brothel: “enema chick”
- ɡuniota
- lesbian < French?
- ðelta
- vagina: “delta”
- ðiakopes sto portofino
- stay at Syngrou hospital for venereal diseases: “holiday at Portofino”
- ðiplo batimani
- lifting legs during sex; sexually experienced gay: “double battement” (ballet move involving lifting one leg); batimaro is “to kick”
- ektrosi
- anal douche after sex: “abortion”
- elko-afroðo
- syphilis: “ulcer venereal”
- iraklota
- “feminine”: supine, face up
- kalderimi tis xaras
- cruising by top: “cobbled street of joy”
- kaloɣeroɣlikes
- horniness: “monk’s sweetness”
- kaloɣerokendima
- masturbation: “monk piercing”
- kapiazo
- to feel up < kapi “spoon” (English cup?); kutalia “spooning” means the same in both Kaliarda and Koutsavakika
- normal
- “normal”: prone, face down
- karafroðitobaro
- venereal disease: “prostitute penis”
- karafroðitostasi
- period: “prostitute pause”
- karafroðitotsarðo
- brothel: “prostitute hut”
- katsikano
- female breast < katsika “goat”
- kavlokunimata
- thrusting of top during sex: “erection moves”
- kavlomaɣnitis
- sex appeal: “erection magnet”
- kavlomaksilaro
- vagina: “erection pillow”
- kavlopipilo
- female breast: “erection suckling”
- kelebia
- condom: “jellabiya” (Arabic robe)
- kontra-pombon
- 69: “opposite blowjob”
- kumunoskeli
- period: “commie thighs”
- kupobeles
- eunuch: “cut testicles”
- kuraveltozumo
- sperm: “fuck juice”
- kuraveltopuriazo
- to be impotent: “fucking old-man”
- kurunes
- cockteasing: “crow”
- krevatoðeksiosi
- night-long anal sex: “bed reception”
- kolotsitono
- to have forceful anal sex: “arse stretch”
- laxaniazozumo
- sperm: “panting juice”
- lukia
- slut (not whore): “Lucy”; possibly related to Koutsavakika luki “drainpipe = anus”
- madam ɡu
- lesbian < guniota
- matiazo
- to peep (in standard Greek: to single out something by glancing)
- modernizo
- to have anal sex: “to be modern”
- modernosixliazo
- to become impotent: “to shrivel while being modern (= having anal sex)”
- munopasxa
- period: “cunt Easter” (which in Greece features red easter eggs)
- musandoperno
- to flirt: “to fake take (= have sex)”
- musandopasas
- sexual aggressor: “fake pasha”
- mudzokontratempo
- deflowering: “cunt pressure”
- mudzomusafiru
- service staff at brothel: “cunt guest chick” (because she is a guest at the brothel, rather than core staff)
- mudzotsarðo
- brothel: “cunt hut”
- bagazi
- bulge in pants: “baggage”
- bamia
- small penis: “okra”
- barosimo
- venereal disease: “sickness stamp” (allusion to stickiness of VD)
- beliera
- jockstrap: “testicle holder”
- bulkume, purkume
- sperm, ejaculation
- bulkumeðotsarðo
- brothel: “sperm hut”
- brateliazo
- to feel up < bratelo “hand” (cf. mainstream Greek vazo xeri “to put hand” = “ibid.)
- naziazo
- to have sex < nazi “flirt, coquettish behaviour”
- dap
- masturbation (older Kaliarda: to beat up)
- dezaro, avelo dezi
- to be horny, dezi “desire, horniness” < deziraro “to desire”
- dezoðikeliazo
- to peep: “horny looking”
- dezolaxtaras
- sadist: “horny yearner” (only in the masculine)
- dezobula
- penis wart: “horny ball”
- dezodupu
- masochist: “horny beating chick” (only in the feminine)
- dezoplenis
- sensuous: “horny full”
- dezoxorxora
- idiosyncracy (= fetish, kink?): “horny fire”
- desapote sermelia
- penis without foreskin: “uncovered penis” (lit. “hatless” < French de + chapeau)
- perno
- to have sex as passive partner: “to take (someone)”; hence *parθikame “we were taken” = “I was fucked”
- paketo
- bulge in pants: “package”
- parateri
- (cis) woman: “redundant” (to gay relationships)
- parke
- blowjob: “parquet, flooring”
- partuza
- group sex (now mainstream Greek) < French partouse
- pentikosti
- married woman (or gay man): “Pentecost” (originally: fiftieth [day]), by analogy with mainstream slang sarakosti “Lent” (originally: fortieth [day]), used with the same meaning, alluding to Lent being a period of deprivation
- piasman, piasmande, piastiko
- groping: < piasimo “holding”
- pipiloɣamulis
- tender lover: “darling fuck” (lit. “suckling fuck”)
- pipiloɣatulis
- tender lover: “darling kitten”
- plejaro dap
- to masturbate: “to play wank”
- plenobeles
- horny: “full testicles”
- pombon
- blowjob < bon-bon “lolly”; pombino frape “ibid.”
- pulomusafiro
- enema: “anal guest”
- presvia
- public urinal: “embassy”. “Embassy of the United Arab Republic” = “Athens Town Hall public toilet”; “Embassy of Great Britain” = “Syntagma Square public toilet”, named for the Grande Bretagne Hotel nearby; “Embassy of Free States” = “Field of Mars public toilet”; “Embassy of the United States” = “Omonia Square public toilet”.
- ruzoskelo
- period: “red legs”
- sarmela, semelia, sermela, mela, melitsa
- penis
- sarmelozumo
- sperm: “penis juice”
- sarmeloxamoɣelo
- coitus: “penis smile”
- sarmuta
- female prostitute: Koutsavakika: “fat woman”
- safrans tuzur
- the twink has come looking for money: Pseudo-French
- semelonome
- to get married to a man: “to be dicked”
- semnaðerfi
- lesbian: “modest sister”
- sividzilu, sividzo, dzivdzilu
- lesbian < dziv dziv
- dziv dziv
- lesbian sex: probably onomatopoeic
- soloflokiazo
- to masturbate: “to cum solo”
- spanokukula
- condom: “beardless hood”
- sikafra
- cancer, syphilitic ulcer: “fig (= faggot) venereal”
- sfera
- small penis: “bullet”
- teknadzu
- someone into twinks (fem., with queer referent); has passed into mainstream Greek, as woman into toyboys, cougar
- teknokalierɣistra
- sperm: “child cultivator”
- teknorokanadzis
- “pederast”, top: “chews twinks”
- teknodezopsino
- to deprave, to lead into prostitution; “child horniness bake”
- tekno tis violetas
- client of gay prostitutes: “money twink”
- dzasaro flokia
- to ejaculate immediately: “to expel sperm”
- dzinavokosmos
- gay community: “in-the-know world”
- dzinavopoltos
- vaseline: “in-the-know (i.e. gay) jelly”
- dzinavoxirokrotis
- gay ally: “applauder of those in-the-know (i.e. gay)”
- dzus-pulomusafirizome
- to cleanse one’s anus of sperm: “to drive away the anal guest”
- turloliɣuris
- top: “longing for the swollen” (i.e. anus)
- tutafe
- hedonist < French tout à fait “absolutely”
- tutu, tuta, tutuka
- small penis: “whistle” (nursery word)
- tremozumo
- sperm: “trembling juice”
- trombies
- thrusting motions of top during sex: “pumping”
- tsapela
- someone whose anus is tense: “string of dried figs”
- fakiropipiza
- erect penis: “snake charmer flute”
- feɣi de roza
- anus: French feuille de rose “rose petal; analingus” (cf. rosebud)
- fistiki
- small penis: “peanut”
- floki
- sperm < “lint”
- fsi fsol
- coitus: onomatopoeic, possibly influenced by German Ficki-Ficki
- fotoɣenia
- bulge in pants: “photogenic”
- xorxoriazo
- to be horny, to burn with desire: “to be on fire”
- psamoskelu
- horny: “excited thighs”
- psixotraɣopuros
- top: “soul priest”; Koutsavakika psixopapas has the same meaning
- psolaraɣma
- vagina: “dick haven”
- psolovrondi
- masturbation: “dick beating”
- *aðerfomana
- supporter of gays: “sissy mother”
- *lamno
- to fuck: “to row”
- *sapo
- glans: French chapeau “hat”
- *suɣlaro
- to fuck enthusiastically: “to skewer”
- *dzivanostasio
- hangout for effeminate gays: “in-the-know station”
- *sfraɣiðiazo
- to have a permanent relationship: “to be sealed”
I’m pretty sure “vlaxoxilari” could be re-purposed nowadays to refer to the wife of a former “vlaxodimarhos” that runs for the same office, his having had an affair while in office being optional.
I would expect most of this vocabulary to be ephemeral and sometimes restricted to certain subsets of the Kaliarda speakers, for example the literary allusions wouldn’t be accessible to uneducated speakers. That said, there can be exceptions to this, for example people use the expression “he became Louis” without necessarily knowing who Spyros Louis was.
Indeed, and in English people speak of a harrowing experience without the slightest knowledge of what a harrow (a device consisting of a heavy framework having several disks or teeth in a row, which is dragged across ploughed land to smooth or break up the soil, to remove weeds or cover seeds) might be.
Sarantakos has already argued that the witticisms reported in the dictionary are individual creations, rather than widespread conventionalised expressions. Indeed, Petropoulos says that most speakers only had 200-300 Kaliarda words. The existence of such coinages still says a lot about Kaliarda as a linguistic system, though; and I’m sure most speakers came up with some sort of witticism. Lubunca speakers boast of their humour, and they have a lot less material to boast about.