PAWAG is back as Words In Progress

By: | Post date: 2017-10-24 | Comments: 1 Comment
Posted in categories: Ancient Greek, Linguistics

The PAWAG—Poorly Attested Words of Ancient Greek site has been relaunched as Words In Progress: Supplementary Lexicon of Ancient Greek.

The site is an initiative by Franco Montanari who is responsible for the Vocabolario della lingua greca (recently translated into English as the new Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek):

The WiP – Words in Progress website is an online freely consultable database that is continuously enriched. It represents an on-going supplement to the major currently used dictionaries of Ancient and Byzantine Greek and seeks to provide a scientific tool for scholars of Greek and more generally of the Ancient Greek and Latin world.

Drawing its inspiration from the over ten years of experience of PAWAG – Poorly Attested Words in Ancient Greek, of which the materials form the basis for the new website, Words in Progress aims to expand its objectives by detailing corrections and additions of many different kinds, in order to record recent progress in the updating and enlargement of lexica of Ancient and Byzantine Greek. Its primary focus of activity concerns the recording of new words, but attention is also devoted to previously unknown sources, novel acceptations and improvements of all kinds involving the entries in the main existing dictionaries.

Most of the words in PAWAG are attested in one or another of the current Greek dictionaries, between LSJ, DGE, Lampe, Montanari, and Trapp; but as I found using it for the TLG, it also has many lemmata that were not elsewhere attested. And an online database for unattested words of Greek that the public can contribute to is always going to be a good thing.

I’m still not in love with its interface, by the way, which I now find somewhat fussy. But at least now it’s in Unicode and not SPIonic!

One Comment

  • John Cowan says:

    I suppose that if any of these terms appear in Finnegans Wake, that subset could be called “Words in Progress in Work in Progress”, or WiPiWiP.

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