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What T’Kuvma actually said in the trailer
Following up What is T’Kuvma saying in the trailer?, a transcript of the Klingon of Episode 1 of Star Trek: Discovery is now up. (I’m a little surprised it’s up as a Facebook document, but I guess the world has moved on.)
So how did I do?
Me: Donatu vaghDaq DIvI’ wIlulpu’, ’a qaSpa’ (?) veS poHvetlh …
Correct: Do’natu vaghDaq DIvI’ wIlulpu’ ‘a qaStaHvIS poH veb mayonchoHchu’pu’.
We have become complacent in the time since we last battled the Federation at Donatu V.
Me, Literal: We battled the Federation at Donatu V, but before the time of that war…
Correct, Literal: We battled the Federation at Donatu V, but while the following time was occurring (= during the ensuing time) we have started to become completely contented…Me: mapIm neH (?) maH ’e’ luQaw’meH ghoS chaHCorrect: mapIm ngIq maH ’e’ luQaw’meH ghoS chaHThey come to destroy our individuality.Me, Literal: They come to destroy the fact that we, we are just (?) different.Correct, Literal: They come to destroy the fact that we individually are different.
DevwI’’a’pu’ Hov tIbejchoHGreat leaders, look to the stars.
pawpu’ SanmajOur destiny has arrived.
Me: may’ luqolthbogh wInobmeH, matay’taHvIS maQamrup’’a’?Correct: may’ luqolthbogh DInobmeH, matay’taHvIS maQamrup’’a’?Shall we rise up together, and give the fight they deserve?Me, Literal: In order to give the fight they deserve, are we prepared to stand while being together?Correct, Literal: In order to give them the fight they deserve, are we prepared to stand while being together?
… Fricking prosthetic teeth…
Also, the double apostrophe in maQamrup’’a’…
That too…
I seem to do that a lot. 🙂