
Day: January 2, 2017

Do Australians cringe when non-native English speakers attempt to learn the Australian accent?

By: | Post date: 2017-01-02 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: English, Linguistics

What Christine Leigh Langtree said: Vote #1 Christine Leigh Langtree’s answer to Do Australians cringe when non-native English speakers attempt to learn the Australian accent? I’ll add that most dialect speakers dislike their accent being mimicked, not just Australians; I know I resented the hell out of 1960s Greek comedies’ bad imitation of Cretan. If […]

Are Greeks truly “western”? How can they be western if they are orthodox? In that case, why aren’t the other orthodox countries considered western?

By: | Post date: 2017-01-02 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Culture, Modern Greek

Originally Answered: How western is the republic of Greece and its locals? Vote #1 Goru Yamato: Goru Yamato’s answer to Are Greeks truly “western”? How can they be western if they are orthodox? In that case, why aren’t the other orthodox countries considered western? Μπράβο σας, Γιαμάτο-σάμα! I’ll just add that the struggle between the […]