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Kaliarda XXX: Kaliarda etymologies
I am drawing this sequence to a close with posts on noteworthy classes of Kaliarda words from Petrpoulos’ dictionary.
To begin with: I have already posted (and updated) the Romani words in Kaliarda; the Italian words are given in Minniti-Gonias have already been discussed; and the Turkish, French, and English words have been sign-posted by Petropoulos. This is an etymological addendum. (In the following, asterisked forms are not Dura Liarda, but are from the addendum to Petropoulos.)
Albanian words:
- vaizo
- black woman < vajzë “girl”
- kurdavo
- almond (etymon not given by Petropoulos)
- mutiazo
- to shit < muti “shit”
- bukuros
- beautiful < bukurë
- duvdeza
- coffin < duvdes “to die”
(I have not been able to confirm these, and these will be Arvanitika, not standard Albanian.)
Spanish words:
- kukaro
- cockroach < cucaracha
- otros
- other < otro (if not French autre)
- plaza
- city square < plaza
To these we need to add Ladino semelja “penis”: this is clearly Lubunca similya “penis” < Ladino semilya “seed”. semelja is a missing link to the Ottoman Empire, since Ladino was spoken widely in Constantinople and Salonica—but not in Athens, whose Jews were Romaniote (Greek-speaking). We know that Kaliarda was spoken in Athens before Salonica became part of Greece in 1912, so semelja proves what the lack of Italian in Lubunca seemingly disproves—that Kaliarda and Lubunca share at least some common ancestry.
The much longer list is that whose etymologies defeated Petropoulos. There are by my reckoning eight Romani stems that Montoliu found and that I have not—though I’m quite sure develo ~ dzevelo and dapavelo are two of them.
Unknown Etymologies:
- (avelo) napses
- to chat; napsiaris is an informant, and Petropoulos derives it from anapso “to light (a fire)”
- (vuelo) foria
- to pressure
- aθoritos
- absurd; aθoritiazo to act stupidly, riskily; to gamble
- vakuli
- church (Petropoulos claims Venetian bangolo “brothel”, but Minniti-Gonias has not found that word in Boerio. He also suggests vakla “rod” < Latin bacillus)
- verɣos
- informant
- vutra
- breasts
- ɡolos
- deaf
- ɡurbandos
- charming (of men)
- elamu
- arrival; elamano “to arrive” (< ela mu “come on”?)
- esapsis
- wonderful
- kajoros, kajos
- director (Turkish cayır “quickly, noisily”?)
- kanɡuri
- nose
- kaklamaro
- to influence
- kansavaro
- to correct
- kaprikende
- matchstick (kendo “to pierce; to set alight”; hence kenda “fire” does not have an unknown etymology. See also kerikende “matchstick” < keri “candle” + kenda)
- karakukunis
- miser
- karalafaro
- tickle (kara- “augmentative” + English laugh?)
- kaskambera
- smart
- kaskauti
- hashish
- katolia
- tears
- kirkirisi
- vomit (onomatopoeia?)
- klakakembaro
- to make noise in a bar for or against a singer (< French claque?)
- kopapi
- rusk
- kuranda
- comb
- kurkurzelo
- wet
- kurkuledzu
- slut
- kusa
- doll
- kuseli
- gossip (cf. kuskus “ibid.)
- kros krose
- confetti
- kruakis, kruu, kruiko
- filthy
- lamaro
- to back up, cf. kaklamaro to influence
- lugra
- nasty, bitch. lugra ~ rugla is Lefkada dialect for snot, and derives from Ancient Greek ῥύγχος “nose”
- swimming
- lupara
- ears, luparo “to hear”
- lutsia
- sea (Petropoulos: Italian luto “sludge”?)
- mandalas
- cuckold; hence mandalobaltas “prosecution of adultery, adultery”: “cuckold trial”
- meliði
- end, full stop (looks like “honey”); buromeliðo “song meliði” is a musical note
- mentsa
- lawsuit
- merkeres
- kapamas (in Greek: lamb or veal stewed in butter, tomato and spices)
- morza
- snot
- berxamas
- argument (Turkish barhana “big inn”?)
- bigros
- big (English big?)
- bilo delo
- mirror
- bolokaro
- to coat
- bua
- flower (French bois “forest”?)
- mukluke
- interesting, wonderful
- bulɣuana
- pretentious
- bulɣuriko
- sweet, smart, cultured
- bulkume, purkume
- sperm, ejaculation
- bubul
- sweet
- busɣaliazo
- to bury
- busɣukulos
- indifferent
- niseste
- clothes, thread, cloth
- nitsikos
- few
- davilaro
- to begin
- dabagojes
- binoculars
- dan
- he, pl. danakati “they.masc” (dan “he” + kate “that”?)
- duna
- she, pl. danakate “they.fem” (dan “he” + kate “that”?)
- duni
- it, pl. dunakata “they.neut” (duni + kate “that”?)
- dapavelo
- to surrender (Romani? cf. tapavel “to make someone beat someone up”; daravel “to intimidate”)
- develo, dzevelo
- to desire, to want (Romani? Romani devel “God” does not have a clear relation)
- darela
- gossip, nonsense
- dareli
- yellow
- dili
- tooth (French dent?)
- diskronde
- cram school, enlightenment, oven (all of which are I presume slang for “place where someone becomes in-the-know”): cf. French discorder?
- dovas
- hated and repulsive gay
- dokomaxmurlis
- lazy: doko- (?) + Greek maxmurlis “sleepy-head” < Turkish mahmur
- ksepensaris
- expensive: ostensibly Greek kse- “un-” + Italian pensare “to think”, so “maddening”?
- parandinu
- carnival: para-ndinome “to cross-dress”?
- prans
- nearby: French près “near”?
- radaristo
- phone receiver: radar? radaro means “to read”
- sarmela, sermela
- penis: related to semelja “penis”?
- sapsaro
- to admire
- sekanso
- I can: English can?
- seklaman
- innocent, indifferent
- sekons
- how much; fem. sekonsa, neut. sekonso
- sinta
- (elastic) spring
- sixliazo
- to rot, to shrink (from tsixla “thrush (bird); skinny person”?)
- skundula
- evil eye
- smoki
- germ
- sol
- pleasure
- tapioka
- unkempt hair
- tendos
- true, and tendu “truth”
- dzasbanaðiko, dzasbanotsarðo
- insane asylum: “away X shop, away X hut” (dzaslos “away”, dzasnionio “away mind” and dzatestos “away head” mean “insane”; ban resembles banio “bath” < Italian bagno)
- dzelbue
- leucorrhoea, vaginal discharge
- dzuanaro
- to leave
- dzurata
- stockings (dzuro is “urine”)
- ˈtula
- silence
- turkokutrukelo
- Smyrna, Izmir: “Turk Χ?”
- turla susta
- dizziness: lit. “swelling bounce/spring”
- tsulukani
- child; hence tsulukano “pregnant”
- fasa
- woman
- frida
- fire (Italian freddo “cold”?)
- xafto
- place: related to xafto “to swallow”?
- xonsika
- toilet
- xus
- hiding place; xusaro “to hide”
- xusia
- laughter
- xututopos
- that place; xutu “?” + topos “place”
- psamos
- excited, psamono “to get excited”
- *aminobarotsarðo
- hospital: amino “?” (“defence?”) + barotsarðo “sickness hut”
- *ɡuruma
- bear; hence ɡurumotos “hairy” (cf. bear)
- *ðela
- vomit
- *karkabiniazo
- to look admiringly, to sweet-talk
- *kataxar
- opposite
- *kerekokristalo
- photography: “X? crystal”
- *kumusa
- case; *kumusukulia bandoleer, cartridge belt: “case turds”
- *listra
- razor (Italian lisciare “to smooth”?)
- *berebeðaki
- lamb
- *buma
- potato
- *dzurda
- glance
- *dzaz bilo
- unlucky: “away X?” (cf. bilo delo “mirror”)
- *faraniazo
- to froth: < fari “stallion”? Hence *faraniasmenos “furious” (“frothing at the mouth”)
niseste “clothes, thread, cloth” corresponds to Standard Greek nisestes “corn flour”. In turn, nisestes derives from Turkish nişasta “starch”. The starch used in ironing is known in Turkish as kola, not nişasta; but I still suspect the Turkish meaning of the word, with its relation to clothes, is meant here. (The Greek word has no such relation.)