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Kaliarda XXXII: The Wit of Kaliarda
Kaliarda has a couple of puns:
- kolombos, xristoforos
- top: “Christopher Columbus” as soundalike of kolombaras
- dubloðikeliazo
- to be diplomatic: “double looking”; Standard Greek ðiplomatis “diplomat” sounds like “double-eyed” (dipl-ōma: “folded (document) < “doubled thing” read as dipl-omma “double eye”)
- *papi
- document, certificate: “duck”, but puns on German Papier “papers”, often demanded during the Nazi occupation
It has a much larger number of calques from mainstream Greek and Greek slang—the wit lying in recognising Greek expressions in Kaliarda garb:
- amitsopuru
- Philopappou (“Friend of Grandfather”) Hill, calqued as “Friend Old Man”
- asprokangela
- platinum: “white metal”, calque of lefkoxrisos
- axalos
- repulsive: “uneaten” < ðen troɣete “cannot be stomached”
- ɣlutokarnu
- thigh: “hip meat” (calque of colloquial kolomeri lit. “arse portion”)
- ðorkakis
- cuckold < “gazelle guy” (who has horns), calqued from keratas “horned”. Hence, ðorkakoviðomenos “screwed-in gazelle guy” = “someone repeatedly cuckolded”
- kangelokrosos
- Iron Cross (Kaliarda “metal” < “rail” + English cross)
- karvunomakiastra, karvunomako
- coaldust (standard karvunoskoni)
- karnoxalos
- carnivore: “meat-eating” (standard sarkofaɣos)
- klinarolinga
- Puristic Greek: “clean language”, calque of Katharevousa
- koza tempo avelis, koza dzornoɣiro vuelis
- what time is it? “what time do you have?”, calque of ti ora exis?
- latsaveles
- welcome: < latsa aveles “well you do/come” (standard kalos irθes); latsavelo “to welcome”
- latsolinga
- Puristic Greek: “good language”, semi-calque of Katharevousa (cf. klinarolinga)
- latsotempa
- summer: “good weather” (standard kalokeri)
- letrostampa
- postage stamp: “letter stamp” (standard ɣramatosimo)
- mesodzorna
- midday (Italian + Greek, standard mesimeri)
- midlanota
- midnight (English + Italian, standard mesanixta)
- musikapoxis
- conductor: “music fishing-net guy”
- mus-paɡro
- white lie: “fake hairs” (calque of mainstream trixes! “hairs” = “bullshit”)
- baks ke latsi
- once and for all (calque of mainstream mia ke kali, with Puristic apaks for “once”)
- natura floki
- fresh juice: “nature jizz” (calque of mainstream fisikos ximos “natural juice”)
- duramol
- vitriol: “hard water”, calque of Italian acquaforte
- ostrakopoðarakis
- cancer: “shell foot guy” (i.e. description of crab; Greek karkinos “cancer” and Latin cancer both originally mean “crab”)
- pulopirɣono suandes
- I am indifferent towards you: “I shit on you”, mainstream se xezo
- sekretoðulia
- mysticism: “secret job” (mystikos in Greek literally means “secret”)
- sekretoxalema
- Last Supper: calque of mistikos ðipnos
- sketo kaprikente
- very clever: “lone match”, calque of mainstream spirto monaxo
- dzazo ta tiraxa
- die: “thow away shoes”, calque of mainstream tinazo ta petala “fling off horseshoes” (cf. kick the bucket)
- dzazo ti linga mu
- to loosen one’s tongue: “to get my tongue out”, calque of mainstream vɣazo ɣlosa
- ipomona
- pumpkin seeds: “patience”; in mainstream Greek, they are called pasatempo < Italian: “pass the time”
- ipsometro
- hillbilly, provincial: “altitude” (alluding to them being from the mountains)
- fresokarno
- tenderloin: “fish meat”, calque of psaronefri lit. “fish(-coloured) kidney” (i.e. grey meat around kidneys)
- xasobaltas
- lawyer: “lose trial”, calque of mainstream slang xasoðikis
- xumsovivi ðantela
- life sentence: “prison life knot”, calque of isovia ðesma “life-equalling bondage”
- psixotraɣopuros
- top: “soul priest”; Koutsavakika psixopapas has the same meaning
- oxroblada
- leukemia: “pale blood” (standard lefxemia “white blood”); hence musandoxroblada anaemia: “fake leukemia”
- *staɣonakis
- doppelganger: “waterdrop guy”, allusion to expression that two people are as alike as two drops of water
I’ve erred on the side of inclusion in counting forms as witticisms:
- aðikokuti
- coffin: “unjust box”
- etna, tna
- pimple: “Mt Etna”
- anemodzasaro
- sacrifice: “wind expel” = “throw to the winds”
- animatsurnos
- Death: “soul thief”
- astakomeno
- armoured vehicle: “lobstered” (“armoured like a lobster”)
- afantos
- God: “invisible”
- vivopalamaro
- octopus: “live palm”
- vivosermelo
- snake: “live penis”
- vivosermelo but piasman
- boa constrictor: “snake very grope”
- vlakopsaliðu
- censorship: “stupid scissors chick”
- ɡodorelia
- wind: “god fart”
- ðrakodzastis
- cross: “drives out ogres” (i.e. vampires)
- enzimiazo
- to rot: “to enzyme”
- zalistra
- radio: “dizzy-maker”
- zuzunovarvari
- naphthaline: “savage to bugs”
- inðofiðiazo
- to charm: “Indian snake” (alluding to snake charmer)
- kavɣaðokutu
- radio: “argument box chick”
- kangelopartuza
- chain: “metal gangbang” (cf. sexual meaning of daisychain in English)
- kangurosalo
- snot: “nose saliva”; ful kangurosalo “full-blast snot” = “sneeze”
- kaðro
- ugly: “picture frame”
- kaimozumi
- coffee: “sorrow juice”
- kaimotsiftozumi
- coffee: “sorrow cunning juice”
- kaimokuto
- bouzouki: “sorrow box”
- kaimoburia
- rebetiko songs: “sorrow songs”
- kaimoxelono
- baglama: “sorrow turtle” (so called because the baglama body was the size of a turtle, and some baglamas were made of turtle shells); also xelonoburo “turtle song”
- kaliardo-mol
- water: “ugly liquid” (as opposed to alcoholic drinks)
- kanalovivu
- fate: “channel of life”
- karbonomilionaris
- billionaire: “carbon-copy millionaire”
- katolioiraklia
- actress of melodramatic movies: “tears woman”, which was the nickname given to melodrama actress Martha Vourtsi (Petropoulos only gave her initials)
- katoliotekno
- actor of melodramatic movies: “tears twink”, which was the nickname given to melodrama actor Nikos Xanthopoulos (Petropoulos only gave his initials)
- katsikanotsarðo
- balcony: “house boobs”
- kelaru
- fountain, water tap < kelorosola “tears”
- keravnos
- toothless: “lightning”
- keromusando
- love-talk “candle (= melt) lie”
- kifinas
- monk: “drone”
- kokorobuluki
- theatrical troupe: “rooster squadron”
- koniðokolora
- miniature paintinɡ: “nit painting”
- konikloxalos
- vegetarian: “rabbit(-like) eating”
- konderandza
- stuttering: “lecture”
- kontra-feɣi
- cardboard: “counter-sheet (of paper)”, by analogy with kontra plake “plywood” < French contreplaqué
- korakovlastimo
- very fat woman or gay: “crow curser” (because “crows” = undertakers will curse when the time comes to lift them up to bury them)
- koroiðorampo
- shadow puppet theatre, Karagiozis: “mockery ramp”
- kosmoalana
- town square: “world/people alley”
- kueloflokopalku
- tragedy, tragedy production: “tears stage”
- kueloflokorampa
- tragedy, tragedy production: “tears ramp”
- kulopapapa
- urine bottle (in Standard Greek papia “duck” from its shape): “shit quack-quack”
- kumunis turlu
- Olivier Salad, Russian salad: “communist salad”
- kuskusofeɣi
- newspaper: “gossip sheet”
- kiparisotekno
- overly tall: “cypress twink”
- koloklaklas
- ambassador: “arse ??”, from their wearing a tailcoat
- lakrimi
- onion < lakrimo “tears”
- levendomandra
- prison: “pen for the brave”; cf. the song lyric “The irons of prison are for the brave” (Της φυλακής τα σίδερα είναι για τους λεβέντες)
- lepi
- filth: “fish scale”
- lepiðofola
- massacre, bloodshed: “knife-blade poisoned bait” (comparing a knifefight to the poisoning of animals)
- lesi
- filth: “corpse”
- letra kakaka
- telegram: “rat-rat-tat letter”
- letra-karambola
- correspondence: “letter collision”
- letra plereza
- rent bill: “mourning-veil letter”
- liɣðoberdes
- penniless: “hungering for money”
- limoros
- replusive: < limoðis “infectious (disease)”, or Italian limo “mud”
- lutsolakrimo
- candle: “light tears” (because melting wax looks like tears)
- lisaɣman
- dog: lisa “rabies” + pseudo-French -ment
- maɣnitoberdes
- debt: “money magnet”
- mandotempo
- future: “bread time” (because bread is something that becomes?)
- mavrodavas
- Death: “black pimp”
- maxmurlokaro
- road roller: “sleepyhead cart”
- melisovroma
- fly: “stinking bee”
- ministeros tis axalis
- Finance Ministry: “Starvation Minister”
- molopalestis
- shipwrecked person: “water wrestler”
- molorufa
- heatwave: “water suck”
- munɡafon
- record player: “mute-phone”
- mu klinun simvoleo
- I am being called in to be interrogated, lit. “they are finalising a contract for me”
- mumia
- elderly but well-preserved gay: “mummy”
- musandoefe
- gusto: “fake effect”
- musandodavakis
- scumbag: “fake pimp”
- musandosermelia, musandosema
- banana, cucumber, eggplant: “fake penis”
- musandospiritoza
- Pentecost, Feast Day of the Holy Spirit: “fake spirit-ful”
- mudzantivaro
- female breast: “cunt counterweight”
- mudzonome
- to marry a cis woman, of someone gay: “to be cunt-ed” (homonym with mudzonome “to receive the insulting gesture of the moudza“)
- mutsemeni
- the Virgin Mary: “deceived”
- mutseftra
- IOU: “deceiver”
- baltas
- judge: “axe”; hence balta “trial”, baltaletra “summons”: “judge letter”, baltadziðiko “court”: “judge shop”
- babakovutiro
- finicky: “cotton butter”
- batane
- heavy makeup < batanas “whitewash”
- benavoɣarɣalo
- jokester: “talk tickler”
- biz ke dzaz
- police emergency services: “strike and run”
- biseloɣipsos
- dead: “sleep plaster”
- biskototekno
- conscript: “biscuit child” (i.e. sweet child)
- bodofriɣanu
- sunburned: “body toast”
- buka stafilitis
- silence: “mouth uvula, stuffed (up to the) uvula”
- bukostafiliara
- dictatorship: “silencer”
- bubuni
- fart < bubunito “thundering sound”
- budala xalkas
- wedding ring: “fool ring” (xalkas is both a ring and a nosering; the comparison of the wedding ring to the nosering of a bull is a Greek commonplace)
- buroksexilo
- accordion: “singing overstretched”
- buropita
- LP record: “song pita”
- mirmingobala
- the globe: “ant ball”
- nekroxartu
- photograph: “dead paper”
- neroksilo
- crystal: “water wood” (crystal looks like water frozen stiff as wood)
- nisestorela
- rag: “cloth fart”
- nisestosuravlo
- rope: “cloth flute”
- davadzokonsoma
- ugly: “pimp consumption”
- damiroklusma
- injecting drugs: “hashish enema”
- damiroxalastra
- drug squad: “hashish ruiner”
- diloðokaro
- toothpick: “tooth beam”
- dilokolie
- denture: “tooth necklace”; hence dilokoliazo “to bite”
- dupopatata
- fist: “beatings potato”; “potato” in turn is called bunia “fist”; the plural dup-patates means “boxing”
- kserobaksu
- straw: “dry garden”
- ksinasvestis
- yoghurt: “sour whitewash”
- ksirafia
- heart attack: “razor blow”
- pangrolavi
- braid, ponytail: “hair handle”
- palamarokanis
- tall: “arms and legs” (allusion to expression aftos olo xeria ke poðia ine “he is all arms and legs = he is tall”)
- panses
- gendarme: “pansy”
- pandokulura
- zero: “all donut” (kulura “donut” for “zero” is used by students)
- papiros
- licence, diploma: “papyrus”
- papirodravo
- driver’s license: “driver papyrus”
- patriðopresa
- duty: “fatherland pressure”
- perlokrokaða
- oyster, mussel: “pearl yolk”
- petsovunu
- callus: “skin mountain”
- pixopiasman
- arm: “cubit groper”
- piselokapniazome
- to dream: “sleep smoke”; piselokaporampa dream: “sleep smoke theatrical.stage”
- pulman
- Vice squad van: “bus”
- puloviðonome
- to sit squarely down: “to screw one’s arse in”
- pulomusafiro
- enema: “anal guest”
- pulopirɣi
- faeces: “anal tower” (Koutsavakika kuraðoθimonia “turd bale” has the same sense)
- puroxtikiasma
- old man falling in love: “old man tuberculosis”
- presveftu
- calling card: “ambassadress”; xartopresveftu “paper ambassadress” = “ibid.”
- prikokuskusu
- wedding: “dowry chat”
- protosiðeru
- official appearance: “first ironed”
- renovlastos
- prince, heir to the throne: “queen sprout”
- runosarostra
- patrol: “cop sweep”
- sangosfungara
- liver: “blood sponge”
- sarkisti me sik
- live, orally: “in the flesh, with chic”
- sarkoðomi
- bone: “flesh structure”
- svuru
- alcohol: “spinning top chick” (i.e. dizzying), svuriazome “to get drunk”
- sielokapnila
- clouds: “sky smudge”
- sielokuelofloku
- rain: “sky tears”
- skatopresa
- draconian law: “shit press”
- skatofaɣu
- undercover cop: “shit eater”
- skinolatsaris
- sensual: “skin beautiful”
- skotsara
- skirt suit (ταγιέρ): “Scottish” (i.e. kilt)
- soɣi kuravelte
- dim liɡht: “light for fucking”
- solodapis
- bachelor: “one who masturbates alone”
- suvafatsa
- horrid makeup: “plaster face”
- sustokolo
- luxury car: “spring arse” (because they had suspension)
- stamnosterno
- female breast: “chest pitcher”
- stavrolekso
- embroidery: “crossword”
- strosomasela
- piano: “laid-out dentures”
- solinaki tis xaras
- hashish cigarette: “little tube of joy”
- solinokanguros
- elephant: “pipe nose”
- solinokanguru
- proboscis; big penis: “pipe nose”
- tavliazo
- to kill: “to table (i.e. lay out flat)”; tavliazome “to be tabled” = “to die”
- talirokatara
- moudza (insulting gesture with spread palm, and five fingers): “five-drachma curse”
- taraxoproties
- track and field: “tumult firsts”
- taraxotremuliaris
- poltroon: “tumult trembler”
- tapsodaniazome
- to admire oneself, to be narcissistic: “to act like a whore in a mirror”
- teknozalistra
- lecture: “child dizzier”; teknozalistra tu mus-dzusi “Jesus lecture” = “sermon”
- teknozembilo
- elevator: “child basket”
- teknokilistres
- rollerskates: “child rollers”
- teknobalevo, teknobalono
- to impregnate: “to make a child ball” (i.e. pregnant belly)
- teknobiɣa
- porter: “child crane”
- teknoxtikiazo
- to fall in love: “twink tuberculosis” (i.e. become consumptive for a twink); teknoxtiko “love”
- tebelosteko
- café: “hangout for the idle”
- tebeloferis
- road roller: “lazy iron”
- terokseratomolu
- water spring: “earth spew water”
- dzazberdepuros
- national benefactor: “old man throwing away money”
- dzasprovia
- hair removal: “away fleece”
- dzeslutekno
- new mother: “insane (for) child woman”
- dzurovalviða
- kidney: “urine valve”
- timokutela
- forehead: “honour forehead”, alluding to expression “having a clean forehead” = “having a clear conscience”
- tiraxoɣrilos
- heel: “shoe car-jack”
- titlokavala
- ownership: “title riding” (alluding to slang use of “riding” to mean “arrogance, pretension”)
- tulosa
- dictatorship: “silent”
- turkosupa
- coffee: “Turkish soup”
- turkual
- grotesque jewel: “turquoise” + “Turkish”
- turbani
- wound: “turban” (referring to wound dressing)
- trokana
- brainless: “cowbell”
- tsarðokukos
- bachelor: “house cuckoo” (cuckoos being proverbially solitary)
- tsarðokipseli
- neighbourhood: “house beehive”
- tsarðodania
- earthquake: “house whorishness” (houses swaying in an earthquake compared to the coquettish swaying of a prostitute); the synonym tsarðotarakunima is merely “house shaking”
- tsarðoperɣamini
- callinɡ card: “house parchment, house diploma”
- tsarðosplaxno
- basement: “house entrails”
- tsarðotermitis
- architect: “house termite” (comparing architect to termite in building complex structures); tsarðotermitu is an apartment block
- tsinganoromvia
- tambourine: “Gypsies’ barrel organ”
- tsixlatelioti
- car wheel: “rubber un-ending”
- tsurnokota
- fox: “chicken thief”
- tsurnoletra
- playing cards: “thief papers”
- tsutsekiazo
- to gather, to shrink < dzudzes “dwarf” < Turkish cüce
- timvos
- prison: “funeral mound”; hence timvorixos jailbreak: “grave robber”
- tiru
- moon: “cheese”
- iɣropreza
- coffee: “liquid drug hit”
- fainopartuza
- political party: “gangbang of the bright” or “gangbang of ideas”
- fainodzasberdes
- ideologue, idealist: “idea throw-away money”
- fakiru
- greedy: “pauper”
- falu
- walking cane: “phallus”
- fabrikopartuzis
- business partner: “factory gangbang”
- fatsofisuna
- nose: “face bellows”
- fesovakulokafko
- minaret: “mosque erection”
- fidelis
- dog < French fidèle “faithful”
- fioroðoma
- lawn, grass: “flower flooring”
- fiorofaringo
- eucalypt: “flower pharynx” (for the use of eucalypt oil in throat lozenges)
- fola
- ugly: “poison bait”
- fusfus
- kafasi train station: “chuff-chuff (= train) cage”
- xaimali
- necklace: “amulet”
- xalodurvas, xalosakos
- stomach: “food sack”
- xamalokarna
- muscle: “porter flesh”
- xamalomuskulis
- muscle-bound: “porter muscles”
- xaos, xaus
- mouth: “chaos, chasm”
- xaus spilia
- toothless: “mouth cave”
- xaramolio
- candle: “oil waste”
- xasikloreviθo
- worry beads: “hashish smoker’s chickpeas”
- xortobiɣa
- hashish: “grass crane” (i.e. grass that raises you up)
- psakio
- bad news < psaki “poison”
- psofokukula
- mausoleum, crypt: “hood over the dead”
- *nifokukula
- Turkish coffee: “bride hood” (allusion unknown, unless this is an allusion to the comical coinage nifokokozomon “sober bean juice” in the play Babel (1836), satirising in that instance pedantry)
- *kaliardopresa
- interrogation: “ugly pressure”
- *kilorufi
- spoon: “belly suck”
- *kristaloburu
- television: “crystal singer”
- *lakrimoveku
- tragedian: “tears old”
- *moliviazo
- to grow serious: “to leaden”
- *buribunaro
- to bombard: “chimney punch” (the chimney being the bomb casing, the punch being the bomb explosion); hence also *buribunaristos “striking” (i.e. “bombshell”)
- *dezotrimu
- cocaine: “horny powder”
- *peribeneðes
- appetisers: “around queers”
- *trikajori
- Holy Trinity: “three directors”
- *xtiko
- golden sovereign: < xtikio “tuberculosis” (a sovereign is yellow as a consumptive; gaining sovereigns is as strenuous as getting TB (χτικιάζω))
Kaliarda is also notorious for making things sound worse than they are, through pejorations:
- afakos
- brother: < English fuck: “unfuckable”
- afrikanokuli
- cocoa: “African turd”
- axaloeθnokifinas
- emperor: “inedible [= repulsive] drone of nations”
- virdziniazo
- close < It. virgine “virgin”
- ɣalatopombon
- baby’s dummy: “milk blowjob”
- ɡran-renokaθikiomenos
- crowned: “grand queen chamberpotted” (queen = royalty; chamberpot = crown)
- ðiplomudza
- 10: “double moudza” (insulting gesture with spread palm, and five fingers)
- ðiploðiplomudza
- 100: “double double moudza” (insulting gesture with spread palm, and five fingers)
- eloxesma
- rice: “swamp shitting” (rice is planted in swamps, and looks like diarrhoea)
- karnosermeles
- sausage: “meat penis”; durokarnosermeles “hard sausage” are large preserved meats, such as ham and mortadella; teknokarnosermelo “child sausage” is sausages proper
- kotsilokulu
- chicken: “birdshit shit chick”
- kuloskembes
- koxla tripe: “shit belly boiled”
- kunistra
- LP record: “mover, swayer”; in mainstream slang, a coquettish woman
- kuorokuravelta
- love: “heart fucking”
- maɣazodania
- shop billboard: “shop whoring”
- monomudza
- 5: “single moudza” (insulting gesture with spread palm, and five fingers)
- mus-dzusis
- Jesus: “bearded Jesus/fake Jesus”
- mudzopuri
- mother: “vagina old-woman”; sandomudzopuru “fake mother” = “stepmother”
- mudzoxezo
- to give birth: “to shit out from the cunt”
- muxloskembes
- old man: “mold animal belly”
- bakosarmela
- oar: “boat dick”
- barotsarðo
- house of gay: “sickness hut” (allusion to VD)
- benavopombon
- begging someone: “talk blowjob”
- bladis
- surgeon: “blood guy”
- buropombonaro
- to play a wind/brass instrument: “song (= musical) blowjob”
- brostomudzu
- apron: “front of cunt”
- ksotikomudzo
- fairy (neraiða): “spirit pussy, spirit cis-woman”
- pipilas
- darling, dear < “suckler” (presumably allusion to blowjob); metathesised pilipas has the same meaning
- piperoskatu
- mustard: “pepper shit”
- pombotabako
- smoking pipe: “blowjob cigarette”
- pon pon bombona
- lollypop: “blowjob bon-bon” (in fact, “bon-bon bon-bon”)
- puliazome
- to sit < puli “arse”
- pulostrostra
- chair: “place to lay your arse out”
- purozeles
- decrepit old man: “old man jelly”
- puromarioneta
- decrepit old man: “old man puppet”
- putanokonsomis
- ugly: “whore consumed” (i.e. fit only to be a client of a prostitute)
- protokaθiki
- prize, award: “first chamberpot” (i.e. award cup); hence protokaθikono “to award”, protokaθikoberθa “award birth” = “festival”, protokaθikopuros “award old man” = “awards judge”
- protodavas
- Prime Minister: “first pimp”
- relopnoi
- stench: “fart breath”
- relo tu xaus
- burp: “mouth fart”
- renokaθiki
- crown: “queen chamberpot”
- savano
- bedsheet: “burial shroud”
- savanono
- to cover: “to enshroud for burial”
- semelopuros
- father: “penis old-man”; sandosemelopuros “fake father” = “stepfather”
- semelorizo
- cucumber: “penis root”; semelorizomolo “cucumber water” = “cucumber juice”
- skelosaliangas
- old man: “leg snail”
- skulamentozos
- having the common cold < skulamento gonorrhoea; similarly skulamentosimo common cold: “gonorrhoea sign”
- skutula
- perfume < skatula “turd (diminutive)”
- soðosalo
- bubble bath: “soda saliva”
- sublime
- soup: French sublimé, soluble salt of mercury, used in treatment of syphilis
- terotsutsuno
- mushroom: “ground (child’s) penis”
- traɣomuxlos
- monk: “mouldy goat” (referring to monk’s beard); hence traɣomuxlokipselo “monk beehive” = “monastery”
- traɣopuros
- priest: “goat old man” (referring to priest’s beard: the comparison also appears in mainstream Greek); hence traɣopurozumo “priest juice” = “holy water”, traɣopurosfraɣizo “to priest seal” = “to baptise”, traɣopurotsarðo “priest hut” = “church”
- traxanas
- feeble old man: “porridge” (tarhana)
- iɣrotekniazo
- to pour: “liquid twink”, as maistream xino “to pour” also means “to cum”
- fusokapota
- candelabra: “light condom”
- xaus klisma
- soda water, fizzy drink: “mouth enema”
- psilopele
- roasted chickpea: “small testicle”
- psoloɣuðupa
- shoe last: “dick pestle” (from its similar shape to both)
Compounds of flokia “sperm” are a particular class of pejoration—although clearly the stem has simply ended up meaning “fluid” generically in Kaliarda:
- ɡazofloko
- liquid ɡas: “gas jizz” (-floko in compounds really just means “fluid”)
- zuzunofloko
- honey: “bug jizz”
- komodorofloko
- tomato paste: “tomato jizz”
- kuelofloki
- tears: “eye jizz”
- musandofloko
- marrow: “fake jizz”
- bodofriɣanofloko
- suntan lotion: “sunburn jizz”
- natura floki
- fresh juice: “nature jizz”
- dudukofloko
- vegetable oil: “flute jizz”; from skliroduduko “hard flute = peanut”, via fistiki “peanut = small penis” (so that duduki “flute”, as a euphemism for “erect penis”, ends up displacing “peanut” used as a euphemism for “small penis”, and comes to mean “nut” in general)
- pres floki
- glue: “press jizz”
- teknokaknofloko
- meringue: “egg (chicken child) jizz”
- tsainofloko
- ink: “China jizz”
- flokia romanof
- Olivier salad, Russian salad: “Jizz Romanov”
- floki tu xaus
- saliva: “mouth jizz”
- flokodorvares
- testicles: “jizz sacks”
- flokoxalemandu
- salad dressing: “food jizz”
- fisunofloko
- common cold: “nose jizz”
- *ɣelaðofloko
- milk: “cow jizz”
- *karofloko
- petrol: “cart jizz”
- *piselofloko
- sleeping drug, sedative: “sleep jizz”
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